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Quick Fix Yoga



Terracotta and Jackfruit Wood

In celebration of World Yoga Day, Desee Art is exuberant to showcase the work of L N Tallur!

The International Day Of Yoga was suggested by Narendra Modi to be on the 21st of June as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, which pays homage to the special significance it has in many parts of the world.

L N Tallur’s piece titled “Quick Fix Yoga” comprises of four terracotta figures of sadhus on top of terracotta tiles that are usually used on the roofs of homes. The sculpture is encased in a frame made of wood from jackfruit trees, the significance of which lies in the fact that this wood is used to make the ornate planks that priests sit on during Hindu ceremonies. At first glance, one can observe four men attempting yoga poses on the tiles. Upon further postulation, one can envisage the deeper meaning of the title of the piece. The title exudes a sense of irony since it has been said countless times that yoga is not a ‘quick fix’ and Tallur wishes to further emphasize that point. By showing sadhus performing yoga poses, and including one that has seemingly given up, the artist is trying to prove that there is no such thing as ‘Quick Fix Yoga’! This piece was displayed in the India Art Fair 2019.

LN Tallur is a Contemporary Indian Artist who dabbles primarily in sculptures. He was born in 1971 in Karnataka, India and currently works between India and South Korea. He received his MA in Contemporary Fine Art Practice from Leeds Metropolitan University in 2002. Tallur uses his art to invoke curiosity and provoke deep thought in the viewer. He is widely celebrated and admired for his meticulous attention to detail and finesse that characterize his handmade work. His solo exhibition “Chromatophobia” has been displayed in Nature Morte Delhi and Arario gallery. His most exhibition “Interference Fringe” is being displayed at the Ground for Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey in the USA. He has taken part in group exhibitions held at the national academy museum in New York among many more.



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