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Sitar and Kerva


Madhusudhan Kumar, born in 1944 at Mangalore, a disciple of Ustaad Vilayat Khan. He won the Bhulabhai Memorial Prize from Bombay Art Society. He executed legendary portraits such of Geeta Dutt, Guru Dutt, Nani Palkhiwala, Hidayalulah, and Vilayat Khan Saheb. He lives and works in Mumbai.⠀

I feel it’s beat -⠀
The chords of the hymn⠀
Through the silence, dusk and dim⠀
He plays the music that heal⠀
The pain of those wrinkled fingers I feel⠀
Rubbed across the strings⠀
Gifting thoughts their wings⠀
I praise the resonance born underneath⠀
in the rhythm of the beat⠀

I feel it’s beat -⠀
The hits of his soft palms⠀
Fingers drumming love alarms⠀
Reaching lows and running highs⠀
Mind wandering and my heart flies⠀
It’s energy flows from history⠀
Pouring the tales of mystery⠀
Where all the melodies meet⠀
There again, I feel it’s beat⠀

Sitar and Kerva are two tremendous examples of Kumar’s exemplary works. Being a disciple of Vilayat Khan Saheb, Kumar’s art work revolves around classical Indian melodies. His strong brush strokes corresponds to the same rhythm giving phenomenal visual effects to music. The painting itself speaks a long saga from Farukabadi gharana, leaving the viewers oblivion. Heavy white acrylic work on solid black gives the striking chiaroscuro effect to the painting! ⠀

Figurative Art ⠀
Acrylic on Canvas ⠀

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